Step 1:
Right upper corner click on user icon
--you can see you login id : click on it
--Profile page will be open
-- left bottom resource pannel --> Auth Tocken --> click on it
--> Generate Tocken --> specify description --> Generate token
--> copy Generated token
Step 2
GO to Object storage bucket
Click on bucket my case TESTING_BUCKET ( Bucket is already created)
Left bottom there is resource pannel
--> click on Pre-Authenticated Requests
--> create Pre-Authenticated Requests
---> specify name
--> click on objects
--> write object name in text box which you to upload (exactly same name with extention)
--> specify access type
--> bottom click on create Pre-Authenticated Requests
--> It will shows a url you have to copy it
--Profile page will be open
-- left bottom resource pannel --> Auth Tocken --> click on it
--> Generate Tocken --> specify description --> Generate token
--> copy Generated token
Step 2
GO to Object storage bucket
Click on bucket my case TESTING_BUCKET ( Bucket is already created)
Left bottom there is resource pannel
--> click on Pre-Authenticated Requests
--> create Pre-Authenticated Requests
---> specify name
--> click on objects
--> write object name in text box which you to upload (exactly same name with extention)
--> specify access type
--> bottom click on create Pre-Authenticated Requests
--> It will shows a url you have to copy it
--upload file to object storage bucket
curl -v -X PUT -u '<user_email_id>:<Token Generated in Step1>' --upload-file <source location with file name> <url generated in step 2>
curl -v -X PUT -u '' --upload-file C:\Users\DILIP_BAKSHI\test.txt
--download file from object storage to target server
curl -X GET -o /u01/app/oracle/product/